Bike Safety Month: Spotlight on Soos Creek Trail

In honor of Bike Safety Month, we’re sharing another of our favorite family-friendly trails, the Soos Creek Trail, and providing a few bike safety tips to keep you and your loved ones rolling all season long. This trail, nestled within the King County Parks System, is a haven for bikers, hikers, and nature lovers, offering stunning views that captivate visitors.

Get ready for an adventure! Embark on a nearly 6-mile journey through East Hill’s verdant landscape. More than just a path, Soos Creek Trail is an all-season greenbelt boasting rolling hills, dense forests, and peaceful wetlands. It’s a year-round escape that doesn’t require a long drive to the wilderness. 

The Soos Creek Trail is a 6-mile journey

A trail for everyone 

If you’re a cyclist, this trail welcomes you with open arms and an open path. It has a paved route for those who prefer a smooth ride and a parallel soft surface path for dirt trail lovers. It’s also an excellent trail for hiking and horseback riding! 

Bike Safety Tip #1: As a bike rider, be as “visible” to other trail and road users as possible. This means wearing bright or reflective clothing, using a front (white) light and rear (red) light on your bike, and putting reflective stickers or tape on yourself, your bike, and/or your helmet.  It’s safest to use your gear at all times of day, especially at sunrise, sunset, and, of course, when it’s dark. 

Nature’s wonders

As you explore, look out for the vibrant spring blossoms and the trail’s rich birdlife, which includes species such as the American Robin, the Northern Flicker, and the Black-capped Chickadee. And, if you’re lucky, you might catch a glimpse of Mount Rainer standing majestically to the south on a clear day.  

Family fun

It’s a trail for the whole family! Children will enjoy Gary Grant Park’s playgrounds, while adults can find numerous spots to relax and embrace nature’s calm. Safely bike and have fun on this trail, designed to bring families closer to nature’s heart. 

Bike Safety Tip #2: Make sure your child has the right size helmet and wears it whenever riding, skating, or scooting. Your children’s helmet should meet the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission’s (CPSC) standards. When buying a new helmet, let your children pick out their own; they’ll be more likely to wear them for every ride. 

To find affordable helmets, visit Free and Low-Cost Bicycle Helmets in King County.  

Trail access

You can access the trail at various points in Kent East Hill with FREE parking! Notable trailheads include:

  • SE 192nd Street & 124th Ave SE;
  • SE 208th Street just east of 135th Ave SE;
  • SE 249th Street & 148th Ave SE;
  • SE 266th Street & 148th Ave SE.

Want a sneak peek of Soos Creek Trail? Check out this super cute video from our friends at Department of Natural Resources and Parks in honor of Bike Everywhere Day.

Safe and happy biking! 

Originally published on May 24, 2024