Taking care of mental health during COVID-19

COVID-19 has drastically changed our communities, impacting not only physical and financial health, but emotional and mental as well. As we continue to learn more about COVID-19 and adjust our routines, we may notice changes in how we think, feel and relate with ourselves and each other. Now more than ever, staying up to date, making mental health a priority and connecting to supportive resources is key.

Here are a few tips for managing mental health during COVID-19:

Stay informed

Information about COVID-19 is rapidly evolving week by week and while staying up-to-date is important, paying attention to your mental health is as well. News, as well as the disease itself, may cause a variety of emotions including worry, fear and anxiety. Following reliable sources, taking regular breaks from media consumption and scheduling time to unwind can help. Do what you can to stay informed and remember to take care of yourself.

Connect with others

The Stay Home, Stay Healthy orders and physical distancing measures are working as we contain the virus. At the same time, we are feeling isolated and disconnected from friends and loved ones. Even while practicing physical distancing, there’s a lot we can do to take care of ourselves and stay connected with others. Consider this family coloring book, cooking a meal that honors loved ones, or hosting a virtual game night. Call, text, or email family and friends to offer support and ask how they are doing.

If you or someone you care about is feeling overwhelmed with emotions like sadness, depression, or anxiety, or needs additional mental health support, consider the below resources. They’re free, private and available to all.

Get additional support

This is a stressful time, impacting us all in different ways. We may be feeling different levels of stress, anxiety, grief and worry. Expect these feelings to change over time and remember, it is okay to seek out and ask for help. Coping with stress will make you, the people you care about, and your community stronger.

We’ll be sharing more resources and highlighting how communities are supporting each other during the times of COVID-19. Let’s do our part to stay healthy, connected and safe.

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