Feeling the heat? Maybe it’s your medication.

Illustration of older woman with white hair looking dizzy. She stands under a hot sun in a garden.

The mild Pacific Northwest climate makes us more sensitive to heat, especially after a long stretch of cold and wet weather. Some people feel it more than others and need to take extra care in warmer weather. When it’s hot, our region sees a spike in the number of people who have serious health problems like heart attacks, stroke, and kidney failure. It’s a good reminder now to figure out if you’re more prone to overheating, before even hotter weather arrives.

Are you more likely to have serious health problems in the heat?

Some people are at higher risk for serious health problems on hot days and should take extra precautions to stay cool, drink water, and take breaks from the heat:

Medications and health conditions can make you more sensitive to heat.

Medications can make it harder to stay hydrated and regulate body temperature, including those for allergies and colds, thyroid, depression, heart/blood pressure, and weight loss.

Check with your doctor to see if your health conditions or medications make you more sensitive to heat.

Recognize heat exhaustion.

If you are more sensitive to heat, make sure to pay attention to how you’re feeling on warmer days. Signs that your body isn’t cooling quick enough include muscle cramps, weakness, dizziness, headache, nausea, and vomiting. If you think that you may be overheating, move to the shade or cooler location, put your feet up and rest, and drink cool water.

Stay cool.

On warmer days, here are some ways to keep your body cooler:

 For more information

More tips about how to stay cool and safe in the heat:

Originally posted on June 27, 2022.

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