Reduce Your COVID-19 Risk While Protesting

Public Health acknowledges that many protesters, particularly Black, Indigenous and People of Color, are choosing to take on the risk of potential exposure to COVID-19 because of the importance of confronting and undoing the systems of racism, oppression and brutality. People are protesting because their lives depend on it.

We are concerned about the possible spread of COVID-19 at these large gatherings, and for the potential to exacerbate the racial/ethnic disparities in COVID-19 rates for communities of color, especially for Black, Native, Latinx, and Pacific Islander residents of King County.

We urge all people protesting against racial injustice to take steps to stay healthy and avoid bringing COVID-19 home with them We need to keep each other healthy now and get to a more just future for everyone.

Here are a few tips for before, during, and after protests to reduce risk of COVID-19 for yourself and others:

Before You Go

While You Are There

Once You Return Home

If you can’t access testing through a health provider, a list of free sites is included below and can also be found at

Originally published June 10, 2020.

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